Health on Kensington expects payment in full on the day.

Our receptionists will help patients submit their Medicare claims so patients receive their refund for the rebated amount. Refunds can be processed by:

  • Registered Account – the Medicare rebate amount can be deposited directly into the patient’s nominated account. The patient must record their bank details with Medicare.

Concession Card Holders, Children under 16 years old and Secondary students with a Student ID card will be BULK BILLED for standard consultations at Health on Kensington.

Brief Consult

Private: Total $46.50 | Gap $26.90
Medicare Rebate: $19.60

Standard Consult

Private: Total $93.00 | Gap $50.15
Medicare Rebate: $42.85

Long Consult

Private: Total $150.40 | Gap $67.50
Medicare Rebate: $82.90

Prolonged Consult

Private: Total $202.00 | Gap $79.87
Medicare Rebate: $122.13

Please note some Medicare item numbers do not allow Easyclaiming, generally if the Medicare claim needs to be assessed further.

Please present your Medicare and any Concession cards when you attend your appointment.

The following exceptions apply whereby patients will be bulk billed – this is where the GP accepts the Medicare rebate as whole payment for service instead of the full private fee.

  1. Children under 16 years will be bulk billed for standard consultations.
  2. Secondary School students, providing a current student ID card.
  3. DVA Gold Card holders will be bulk billed for all services. (DVA White card holders will pay as per their concession card eligibility – this is condition specific)
  4. Patients attending for preventative health care services related to chronic conditions. E.g. Chronic Disease Care Plans and Reviews
  5. As of 1st November 2023 patients holding a valid concession card will be bulk billed for standard GP consultations.